Christopher Dvorak, MD

Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
Chief, Division of Pediatric Allergy, Immunology & Bone Marrow Transplantation; Medical Director, Pediatric Cellular Therapy Laboratory, UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital
+1 415 476-2188

My Research Interests are divided into 3 areas of focus:

1. Supportive Care (especially Invasive Fungal Infections) following Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
2. Transplantation for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
3. Transplantation for Rare Leukemias (JMML and APL)


Younger Children with Non-Malignant Disease Have Increased Incidence of Mixed Myeloid Chimerism After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation with Busulfan-Based Conditioning.

Transplantation and cellular therapy

Dvorak CC, Temple WC, Cisneros GS, Chu J, Winestone LE, Higham CS, Shimano KA, Kharbanda S, Avagyan S, Pauerstein P, Huang JN, Cheng G, Waters E, Winger BA, Cowan MJ, Long-Boyle JR

Prevention and Management of Infectious Complications in Pediatric Patients With Cancer: A Survey Assessment of Current Practices Across Children's Oncology Group Institutions.

Pediatric blood & cancer

Slatnick LR, Hoogstra D, Fisher BT, Wolf J, Orgel E, Nessle CN, Patel PA, Miller TP, Wilkes J, Dupuis LL, Goode E, Jackson K, Willis DN, Elgarten C, Aftandilian C, Thompson J, Alexander S, Beauchemin MP, Belsky JA, Hess J, Prudowsky ZD, Guinipero T, Rossoff J, Demedis J, Walsh AM, Richards R, Choi DK, Dvorak CC, Esbenshade AJ

Effect of Rabbit ATG PK on Outcomes after TCR-αβ/CD19-depleted Pediatric Haploidentical HCT for Hematologic Malignancy.

Blood advances

Dvorak CC, Long-Boyle JR, Holbrook-Brown L, Abdel-Azim H, Bertaina A, Vatsayan A, Talano JA, Bunin NJ, Anderson EJ, Flower A, Lalefar NR, Higham CS, Kapoor N, Klein O, Odinakachukwu MC, Cho S, Jacobsohn DA, Collier W, Pulsipher MA

Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for C1q Deficiency: A Study on Behalf of the EBMT Inborn Errors Working Party.

Journal of clinical immunology

Buso H, Adam E, Arkwright PD, Bhattad S, Hamidieh AA, Behfar M, Belot A, Benezech S, Chan AY, Crow YJ, Dvorak CC, Flinn AM, Kapoor U, Lankester A, Kobayashi M, Matsumura R, Mottaghipisheh H, Okada S, Ouachee M, Parvaneh N, Ramprakash S, Satwani P, Sharafian S, Triaille C, Wynn RF, Movahedi N, Ziaee V, Williams E, Slatter M, Gennery AR

Association of Busulfan Exposure and Outcomes after HCT for Patients with an Inborn Error of Immunity.

Blood advances

Bognàr T, Garcia-Rosa M, Lalmohamed A, Güngör T, Hauri-Hohl MM, Prockop SE, Oram LM, Pai SY, Brooks J, Savic RM, Dvorak CC, Long-Boyle JR, Krajinovic M, Bittencourt H, Teyssier AC, Theoret Y, Martinez C, Egberts TCG, Morales E, Slatter MA, Cuvelier GDE, Chiesa R, Wynn R, Coussons M, Cicalese MP, Ansari M, Long SE, Ebens CL, Lust H, Chaudhury S, Nath CE, Shaw PJ, Keogh SJ, van der Stoep E, Bredius RG, Lindemans CA, Boelens JJ, Bartelink IH

High symptom burden in female X-linked chronic granulomatous disease carriers.

Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.)

Miranda MA, Tsalatsanis A, Trotter JR, Arnold DE, Squire JD, Kidd S, Parikh S, Marsh RA, Griffith LM, Mallhi K, Chellapandian D, Lim SS, Grunebaum E, Sullivan KE, Newburger PE, Dinauer MC, Cowan MJ, Dvorak CC, Haddad E, Kohn DB, Notarangelo LD, Pai SY, Puck JM, Pulsipher MA, Torgerson TR, Malech HL, Kang EM, Morton FB, Leiding JW

Epidemiology of Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage in Pediatric Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients.

Transplantation and cellular therapy

Cheng G, Smith MA, Phelan R, Brazauskas R, Strom J, Ahn KW, Hamilton B, Peterson A, Savani B, Schoemans H, Schoettler M, Sorror M, Higham C, Kharbanda S, Dvorak CC, Zinter MS

Cyclophosphamide and thiotepa increases risk of transplant-associated thrombotic microangiopathy.

Transplantation and cellular therapy

Higham CS, Shimano KA, Kharbanda S, Chu J, Cisneros GS, Winestone LE, Dara J, Huang JN, Hermiston ML, Long-Boyle JR, Dvorak CC

Pulmonary hypertension in the intensive care unit after pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant: incidence, risk factors, and outcomes.

Frontiers in oncology

Smith MA, Cheng G, Phelan R, Brazauskas R, Strom J, Ahn KW, Hamilton BK, Peterson A, Savani B, Schoemans H, Schoettler ML, Sorror M, Keller RL, Higham CS, Dvorak CC, Fineman JR, Zinter MS

Pathobiological signatures of dysbiotic lung injury in pediatric patients undergoing stem cell transplantation.

Nature medicine

Zinter MS, Dvorak CC, Mayday MY, Reyes G, Simon MR, Pearce EM, Kim H, Shaw PJ, Rowan CM, Auletta JJ, Martin PL, Godder K, Duncan CN, Lalefar NR, Kreml EM, Hume JR, Abdel-Azim H, Hurley C, Cuvelier GDE, Keating AK, Qayed M, Killinger JS, Fitzgerald JC, Hanna R, Mahadeo KM, Quigg TC, Satwani P, Castillo P, Gertz SJ, Moore TB, Hanisch B, Abdel-Mageed A, Phelan R, Davis DB, Hudspeth MP, Yanik GA, Pulsipher MA, Sulaiman I, Segal LN, Versluys BA, Lindemans CA, Boelens JJ, DeRisi JL, Pediatric Transplantation and Cell Therapy Consortium

Antiviral cellular therapy for enhancing T-cell reconstitution before or after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (ACES): a two-arm, open label phase II interventional trial of pediatric patients with risk factor assessment.

Nature communications

Keller MD, Hanley PJ, Chi YY, Aguayo-Hiraldo P, Dvorak CC, Verneris MR, Kohn DB, Pai SY, Dávila Saldaña BJ, Hanisch B, Quigg TC, Adams RH, Dahlberg A, Chandrakasan S, Hasan H, Malvar J, Jensen-Wachspress MA, Lazarski CA, Sani G, Idso JM, Lang H, Chansky P, McCann CD, Tanna J, Abraham AA, Webb JL, Shibli A, Keating AK, Satwani P, Muranski P, Hall E, Eckrich MJ, Shereck E, Miller H, Mamcarz E, Agarwal R, De Oliveira SN, Vander Lugt MT, Ebens CL, Aquino VM, Bednarski JJ, Chu J, Parikh S, Whangbo J, Lionakis M, Zambidis ET, Gourdine E, Bollard CM, Pulsipher MA

Diagnosing and Grading of Sinusoidal Obstructive Syndrome after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant of Children, Adolescent and Young Adults treated in a Pediatric Institution with Pediatric Protocols.

Transplantation and cellular therapy

Salinas Cisneros G, Dvorak CC, Long-Boyle J, Kharbanda S, Shimano KA, Melton A, Chu J, Winestone LE, Dara J, Huang JN, Hermiston ML, Zinter M, Higham CS

Intensive Care Risk and Long-Term Outcomes in Pediatric Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients.

Blood advances

Zinter MS, Brazauskas R, Strom J, Chen S, Bo-Subait S, Sharma A, Beitinjaneh A, Dimitrova D, Guilcher G, Preussler JM, Myers KC, Bhatt NS, Ringden O, Hematti P, Hayashi RJ, Patel SS, De Oliveira S, Rotz SJ, Badawy SM, Nishihori T, Buchbinder DK, Hamilton BK, Savani BN, Schoemans HM, Sorror ML, Winestone LE, Duncan C, Phelan R, Dvorak CC

Relevance of lymphocyte proliferation to PHA in severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) and T cell lymphopenia.

Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.)

Abraham RS, Basu A, Heimall JR, Dunn E, Yip A, Kapadia M, Kapoor N, Satter LF, Buckley R, O'Reilly R, Cuvelier GDE, Chandra S, Bednarski J, Chaudhury S, Moore TB, Haines H, Dávila Saldaña BJ, Chellapandian D, Rayes A, Chen K, Caywood E, Chandrakasan S, Lugt MTV, Ebens C, Teira P, Shereck E, Miller H, Aquino V, Eissa H, Yu LC, Gillio A, Madden L, Knutsen A, Shah AJ, DeSantes K, Barnum J, Broglie L, Joshi AY, Kleiner G, Dara J, Prockop S, Martinez C, Mousallem T, Oved J, Burroughs L, Marsh R, Torgerson TR, Leiding JW, Pai SY, Kohn DB, Pulsipher MA, Griffith LM, Notarangelo LD, Cowan MJ, Puck J, Dvorak CC, Haddad E

Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation is effective for p47phox chronic granulomatous disease: a PIDTC study.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Grunebaum E, Arnold DE, Logan B, Parikh S, Marsh RA, Griffith LM, Mallhi K, Chellapandian D, Lim SS, Deal CL, Kapoor N, Murguía-Favela L, Falcone EL, Prasad VK, Touzot F, Bleesing JJ, Chandrakasan S, Heimall JR, Bednarski JJ, Broglie LA, Chong HJ, Kapadia M, Prockop S, Dávila Saldaña BJ, Schaefer E, Bauchat AL, Teira P, Chandra S, Parta M, Cowan MJ, Dvorak CC, Haddad E, Kohn DB, Notarangelo LD, Pai SY, Puck JM, Pulsipher MA, Torgerson T, Malech HL, Kang EM, Leiding JW

Genotype, Oxidase Status, and Preceding Infection or Autoinflammation Do Not Affect Allogeneic HCT Outcomes for CGD.


Leiding JW, Arnold DE, Parikh SH, Logan BR, Marsh RA, Griffith LM, Wu R, Kidd S, Mallhi KK, Chellapandian D, Si Lim S, Grunebaum E, Falcone EL, Murguia-Favela L, Grossman D, Prasad VK, Heimall JR, Touzot F, Burroughs L, Bleesing J, Kapoor N, Dara J, Williams O, Kapadia M, Oshrine BR, Bednarski JJ, Rayes A, Chong H, Cuvelier GDE, Forbes Satter LR, Martinez C, Vander Lugt MT, Yu LC, Chandrakasan S, Joshi A, Prockop SE, Dávila Saldaña BJ, Aquino V, Broglie L, Ebens CL, Madden LM, DeSantes K, Milner J, Rangarajan HG, Shah A, Gilio AP, Knutsen AP, Miller HK, Moore TB, Graham P, Bauchat A, Bunin NJ, Teira P, Petrovic A, Chandra S, Abdel-Azim H, Dorsey M, Birbrayer O, Cowan MJ, Dvorak CC, Haddad E, Kohn DB, Notarangelo LD, Pai SY, Puck JM, Pulsipher MA, Torgerson TR, Malech HL, Kang EM

Pulmonary microbiome and transcriptome signatures reveal distinct pathobiologic states associated with mortality in two cohorts of pediatric stem cell transplant patients.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Zinter MS, Dvorak CC, Mayday MY, Reyes G, Simon MR, Pearce EM, Kim H, Shaw PJ, Rowan CM, Auletta JJ, Martin PL, Godder K, Duncan CN, Lalefar NR, Kreml EM, Hume JR, Abdel-Azim H, Hurley C, Cuvelier GDE, Keating AK, Qayed M, Killinger JS, Fitzgerald JC, Hanna R, Mahadeo KM, Quigg TC, Satwani P, Castillo P, Gertz SJ, Moore TB, Hanisch B, Abdel-Mageed A, Phelan R, Davis DB, Hudspeth MP, Yanik GA, Pulsipher MA, Sulaiman I, Segal LN, Versluys BA, Lindemans CA, Boelens JJ, DeRisi JL, Pediatric Transplantation and Cell Therapy Consortium

Post-Transplant Late Complications Increase Over Time for Patients with SCID: A Primary Immune Deficiency Treatment Consortium (PIDTC) Landmark Study.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Eissa H, Thakar M, Shah AJ, Logan B, Griffith LM, Dong H, Parrott RE, O'Reilly R, Dara J, Kapoor N, Satter LF, Chandra S, Kapadia M, Chandrakasan S, Knutsen A, Jyonouchi SC, Molinari L, Rayes A, Ebens CL, Teira P, Dávila Saldaña BJ, Burroughs LM, Chaudhury S, Chellapandian D, Gillio AP, Goldman F, Malech HL, DeSantes K, Cuvelier GDE, Rozmus J, Quinones R, Yu LC, Broglie L, Aquino V, Shereck E, Moore TB, Lugt MV, Mousallem TI, Oved JH, Dorsey M, Azim HA, Martinez C, Bleesing J, Prockop S, Kohn DB, Bednarski JJ, Leiding J, Marsh RA, Torgerson T, Notarangelo LD, Pai SY, Pulsipher MA, Puck JM, Dvorak CC, Haddad E, Buckley RH, Cowan MJ, Heimall J

No impact of CD34+ cell dose on outcome among children undergoing autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant for high-risk neuroblastoma.

Bone marrow transplantation

Knight TE, Ahn KW, Hebert KM, Atshan R, Wall DA, Chiengthong K, Lund TC, Prestidge T, Rangarajan HG, Dvorak CC, Auletta JJ, Kent M, Hashem H, Talano JA, Rotz SJ, Fraint E, Myers KC, Leung W, Sharma A, Bhatt NS, Driscoll TA, Yu LC, Schultz KR, Qayed M, Broglie L, Eapen M, Yanik GA

Intestinal microbiome and metabolome signatures in patients with chronic granulomatous disease.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Chandrasekaran P, Han Y, Zerbe CS, Heller T, DeRavin SS, Kreuzberg SA, Marciano BE, Siu Y, Jones DR, Abraham RS, Stephens MC, Tsou AM, Snapper S, Conlan S, Subramanian P, Quinones M, Grou C, Calderon V, Deming C, Leiding JW, Arnold DE, Logan BR, Griffith LM, Petrovic A, Mousallem TI, Kapoor N, Heimall JR, Barnum JL, Kapadia M, Wright N, Rayes A, Chandra S, Broglie LA, Chellapandian D, Deal CL, Grunebaum E, Lim SS, Mallhi K, Marsh RA, Murguia-Favela L, Parikh S, Touzot F, Cowan MJ, Dvorak CC, Haddad E, Kohn DB, Notarangelo L, Pai SY, Puck JM, Pulsipher MA, Torgerson TR, Kang EM, Malech HL, Segre JA, Bryant CE, Holland SM, Falcone EL

Critical Illness Risk and Long-Term Outcomes Following Intensive Care in Pediatric Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Zinter MS, Brazauskas R, Strom J, Chen S, Bo-Subait S, Sharma A, Beitinjaneh A, Dimitrova D, Guilcher G, Preussler J, Myers K, Bhatt NS, Ringden O, Hematti P, Hayashi RJ, Patel S, De Oliveira SN, Rotz S, Badawy SM, Nishihori T, Buchbinder D, Hamilton B, Savani B, Schoemans H, Sorror M, Winestone L, Duncan C, Phelan R, Dvorak CC

Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage after hematopoietic cell transplantation- response to treatments and risk factors for mortality.

Frontiers in oncology

Schoettler ML, Dandoy CE, Harris A, Chan M, Tarquinio KM, Jodele S, Qayed M, Watkins B, Kamat P, Petrillo T, Obordo J, Higham CS, Dvorak CC, Westbrook A, Zinter MS, Williams KM

Children's Oncology Group's 2023 blueprint for research: Cancer control and supportive care.

Pediatric blood & cancer

Esbenshade AJ, Sung L, Brackett J, Dupuis LL, Fisher BT, Grimes A, Miller TP, Ullrich NJ, Dvorak CC, Cancer Control and Supportive Care Committee

Measuring the effect of newborn screening on survival after haematopoietic cell transplantation for severe combined immunodeficiency: a 36-year longitudinal study from the Primary Immune Deficiency Treatment Consortium.

Lancet (London, England)

Thakar MS, Logan BR, Puck JM, Dunn EA, Buckley RH, Cowan MJ, O'Reilly RJ, Kapoor N, Satter LF, Pai SY, Heimall J, Chandra S, Ebens CL, Chellapandian D, Williams O, Burroughs LM, Saldana BD, Rayes A, Madden LM, Chandrakasan S, Bednarski JJ, DeSantes KB, Cuvelier GDE, Teira P, Gillio AP, Eissa H, Knutsen AP, Goldman FD, Aquino VM, Shereck EB, Moore TB, Caywood EH, Lugt MTV, Rozmus J, Broglie L, Yu LC, Shah AJ, Andolina JR, Liu X, Parrott RE, Dara J, Prockop S, Martinez CA, Kapadia M, Jyonouchi SC, Sullivan KE, Bleesing JJ, Chaudhury S, Petrovic A, Keller MD, Quigg TC, Parikh S, Shenoy S, Seroogy C, Rubin T, Decaluwe H, Routes JM, Torgerson TR, Leiding JW, Pulsipher MA, Kohn DB, Griffith LM, Haddad E, Dvorak CC, Notarangelo LD

What causes aplastic anaemia?


Gale RP, Hinterberger W, Young NS, Gennery AR, Dvorak CC, Hebert KM, Heim M, Broglie L, Eapen M

Effect of Autograft CD34+ Dose on Outcome in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant for Central Nervous System Tumors.

Transplantation and cellular therapy

Knight TE, Ahn KW, Hebert KM, Atshan R, Wall DA, Chiengthong K, Rotz SJ, Fraint E, Rangarajan HG, Auletta JJ, Sharma A, Kitko CL, Hashem H, Williams KM, Wirk B, Dvorak CC, Myers KC, Pulsipher MA, Warwick AB, Lalefar NR, Schultz KR, Qayed M, Broglie L, Eapen M, Yanik GA

Fertility Preservation Practices at Pediatric Oncology Institutions in the United States: A Report From the Children's Oncology Group.

JCO oncology practice

Frederick NN, Klosky JL, Meacham L, Quinn GP, Kelvin JF, Cherven B, Freyer DR, Dvorak CC, Brackett J, Ahmed-Winston S, Bryson E, Su HI, Chow EJ, Levine J

What Causes Aplastic Anaemia: Results of Transplants from Genetically-Identical Twins.

Research square

Gale R, Hinterberger W, Young NS, Gennery A, Dvorak C, Hebert K, Heim M, Broglie L, Eapen M

Lentiviral Gene Therapy for Artemis-Deficient SCID.

The New England journal of medicine

Cowan MJ, Yu J, Facchino J, Fraser-Browne C, Sanford U, Kawahara M, Dara J, Long-Boyle J, Oh J, Chan W, Chag S, Broderick L, Chellapandian D, Decaluwe H, Golski C, Hu D, Kuo CY, Miller HK, Petrovic A, Currier R, Hilton JF, Punwani D, Dvorak CC, Malech HL, McIvor RS, Puck JM

KIR-Favorable TCR-αβ/CD19-Depleted Haploidentical HCT in Children with ALL/AML/MDS: Primary Analysis of PTCTC ONC1401.


Pulsipher MA, Ahn KW, Bunin NJ, Lalefar NR, Anderson EJ, Flower A, Cairo MS, Talano JA, Chaudhury S, Kitko CL, Duke JL, Monos D, Leung W, Dvorak CC, Abdel-Azim H

Impact of Genetic Diagnosis on the Outcome of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant in Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders.

Journal of clinical immunology

Forlanini F, Chan A, Dara J, Dvorak CC, Cowan MJ, Puck JM, Dorsey MJ

The diagnosis of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID): The Primary Immune Deficiency Treatment Consortium (PIDTC) 2022 Definitions.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Dvorak CC, Haddad E, Heimall J, Dunn E, Buckley RH, Kohn DB, Cowan MJ, Pai SY, Griffith LM, Cuvelier GDE, Eissa H, Shah AJ, O'Reilly RJ, Pulsipher MA, Wright NAM, Abraham RS, Satter LF, Notarangelo LD, Puck JM

The diagnosis of severe combined immunodeficiency: Implementation of the PIDTC 2022 Definitions.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Dvorak CC, Haddad E, Heimall J, Dunn E, Cowan MJ, Pai SY, Kapoor N, Satter LF, Buckley RH, O'Reilly RJ, Chandra S, Bednarski JJ, Williams O, Rayes A, Moore TB, Ebens CL, Davila Saldana BJ, Petrovic A, Chellapandian D, Cuvelier GDE, Vander Lugt MT, Caywood EH, Chandrakasan S, Eissa H, Goldman FD, Shereck E, Aquino VM, Desantes KB, Madden LM, Miller HK, Yu L, Broglie L, Gillio A, Shah AJ, Knutsen AP, Andolina JP, Joshi AY, Szabolcs P, Kapadia M, Martinez CA, Parrot RE, Sullivan KE, Prockop SE, Abraham RS, Thakar MS, Leiding JW, Kohn DB, Pulsipher MA, Griffith LM, Notarangelo LD, Puck JM

Prospective Validation and Refinement of a Population Pharmacokinetic Model of Fludarabine in Children and Young Adults Undergoing Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation.


Brooks JT, Solans BP, Lu Y, Kharbanda S, Dvorak CC, Lalefar N, Long S, Gupta AO, Horn B, Lamba JK, Huang L, Apsel-Winger B, Keizer RJ, Savic R, Long-Boyle J

Prospective Evaluation of the Fungitell� (1?3) Beta-D-Glucan Assay as a Diagnostic Tool for Invasive Fungal Disease in Pediatric Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: A�Report from the Children's Oncology Group.

Pediatric transplantation

Otto WR, Dvorak CC, Boge CLK, Ostrosky-Zeichner L, Esbenshade AJ, Nieder ML, Alexander S, Steinbach WJ, Dang H, Villaluna D, Chen L, Skeens M, Zaoutis TE, Sung L, Fisher BT

Outcomes following treatment for ADA-deficient severe combined immunodeficiency: a report from the PIDTC.


Cuvelier GDE, Logan BR, Prockop SE, Buckley RH, Kuo CY, Griffith LM, Liu X, Yip A, Hershfield MS, Ayoub PG, Moore TB, Dorsey MJ, O'Reilly RJ, Kapoor N, Pai SY, Kapadia M, Ebens CL, Forbes Satter LR, Burroughs LM, Petrovic A, Chellapandian D, Heimall J, Shyr DC, Rayes A, Bednarski JJ, Chandra S, Chandrakasan S, Gillio AP, Madden L, Quigg TC, Caywood EH, Dávila Saldaña BJ, DeSantes K, Eissa H, Goldman FD, Rozmus J, Shah AJ, Vander Lugt MT, Thakar MS, Parrott RE, Martinez C, Leiding JW, Torgerson TR, Pulsipher MA, Notarangelo LD, Cowan MJ, Dvorak CC, Haddad E, Puck JM, Kohn DB

Aberrant T-cell exhaustion in severe combined immunodeficiency survivors with poor T-cell reconstitution after transplantation.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Labrosse R, Boufaied I, Bourdin B, Gona S, Randolph HE, Logan BR, Bourbonnais S, Berthe C, Chan W, Buckley RH, Parrott RE, Cuvelier GDE, Kapoor N, Chandra S, D?vila Salda?a BJ, Eissa H, Goldman FD, Heimall J, O'Reilly R, Chaudhury S, Kolb EA, Shenoy S, Griffith LM, Pulsipher M, Kohn DB, Notarangelo LD, Pai SY, Cowan MJ, Dvorak CC, Haddad ?, Puck JM, Barreiro LB, Decaluwe H

A Population-Based Study of the Long-Term Risk of Infections Associated With Hospitalization in Childhood Cancer Survivors.

Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology

Chehab L, Doody DR, Esbenshade AJ, Guilcher GMT, Dvorak CC, Fisher BT, Mueller BA, Chow EJ, Rossoff J

Granulocyte Transfusions in Patients with Chronic Granulomatous Disease Undergoing Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation or Gene Therapy.

Journal of clinical immunology

Arnold DE, Chellapandian D, Parikh S, Mallhi K, Marsh RA, Heimall JR, Grossman D, Chitty-Lopez M, Murguia-Favela L, Gennery AR, Boulad F, Arbuckle E, Cowan MJ, Dvorak CC, Griffith LM, Haddad E, Kohn DB, Notarangelo LD, Pai SY, Puck JM, Pulsipher MA, Torgerson T, Kang EM, Malech HL, Leiding JW

Challenges and Barriers to Adverse Event Reporting in Clinical Trials: A Children's Oncology Group Report.

Journal of patient safety

Miller TP, Marx MZ, Henchen C, DeGroote NP, Jones S, Weiland J, Fisher B, Esbenshade AJ, Aplenc R, Dvorak CC, Fisher BT

Population Pharmacokinetics of Melphalan for Pediatric Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation.

Journal of clinical pharmacology

Li S, Dvorak CC, Lu Y, Chan D, Gobburu JVS, Long-Boyle J, Apsel Winger B

Pulmonary microbiome and gene expression signatures differentiate lung function in pediatric hematopoietic cell transplant candidates.

Science translational medicine

Zinter MS, Versluys AB, Lindemans CA, Mayday MY, Reyes G, Sunshine S, Chan M, Fiorino EK, Cancio M, Prevaes S, Sirota M, Matthay MA, Kharbanda S, Dvorak CC, Boelens JJ, DeRisi JL

A pilot trial of prophylactic defibrotide to prevent serious thrombotic microangiopathy in high-risk pediatric patients.

Pediatric blood & cancer

Higham CS, Shimano KA, Melton A, Kharbanda S, Chu J, Dara J, Winestone LE, Hermiston ML, Huang JN, Dvorak CC

Association Between the Magnitude of Intravenous Busulfan Exposure and Development of Hepatic Veno-Occlusive Disease in Children and Young Adults Undergoing Myeloablative Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation.

Transplantation and cellular therapy

Bognàr T, Bartelink IH, Egberts TCG, Rademaker CMA, Versluys AB, Slatter MA, Kletzel M, Nath CE, Cuvelier GDE, Savic RM, Dvorak C, Long-Boyle JR, Cowan MJ, Bittencourt H, Bredius RGM, Güngör T, Shaw PJ, Ansari M, Hassan M, Krajinovic M, Hempel G, Marktel S, Chiesa R, Théoret Y, Lund T, Orchard PJ, Wynn RF, Boelens JJ, Lalmohamed A

Therapy-related myeloid neoplasms resembling juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: a case series and review of the literature.

Pediatric blood & cancer

Wintering A, Smith S, Fuh B, Rangaswami A, Dahl G, Chien M, Gruber TA, Dang J, Li LS, Lenzen A, Savelli S, Dvorak CC, Agrawal AK, Stieglitz E

Population Pharmacokinetic Model Development of Tacrolimus in Pediatric and Young Adult Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation.

Frontiers in pharmacology

Brooks JT, Keizer RJ, Long-Boyle JR, Kharbanda S, Dvorak CC, Friend BD

Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation-Comorbidity Index Score Is Correlated with Treatment-Related Mortality and Overall Survival following Second Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in Children.

Transplantation and cellular therapy

Forlanini F, Zinter MS, Dvorak CC, Bailey-Olson M, Winestone LE, Shimano KA, Higham CS, Melton A, Chu J, Kharbanda S

The Beginning of the End of Allogeneic Transplantation for Hurler Syndrome?

The New England journal of medicine

Kharbanda S, Dvorak CC

Infrastructure of Fertility Preservation Services for Pediatric Cancer Patients: A Report From the Children's Oncology Group.

JCO oncology practice

Frederick NN, Klosky JL, Meacham LR, Quinn GP, Kelvin JF, Cherven B, Freyer DR, Dvorak CC, Brackett J, Ahmed-Winston S, Bryson E, Chow EJ, Levine J

Prospective Evaluation of Galactomannan and (1→3) β-d-Glucan Assays as Diagnostic Tools for Invasive Fungal Disease in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults With Acute Myeloid Leukemia Receiving Fungal Prophylaxis.

Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society

Fisher BT, Westling T, Boge CLK, Zaoutis TE, Dvorak CC, Nieder M, Zerr DM, Wingard JR, Villaluna D, Esbenshade AJ, Alexander S, Gunn S, Wheat LJ, Sung L

Poor T-cell receptor β repertoire diversity early posttransplant for severe combined immunodeficiency predicts failure of immune reconstitution.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Delmonte OM, Castagnoli R, Yu J, Dvorak CC, Cowan MJ, Dávila Saldaña BJ, De Ravin SS, Mamcarz E, Chang CK, Daley SR, Griffith LM, Notarangelo LD, Puck JM

Comparison of hematopoietic cell transplant conditioning regimens for hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis disorders.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Marsh RA, Hebert K, Kim S, Dvorak CC, Aquino VM, Baker KS, Chellapandian D, Dávila Saldaña B, Duncan CN, Eckrich MJ, Georges GE, Olson TS, Pulsipher MA, Shenoy S, Stenger E, Lugt MV, Yu LC, Gennery AR, Eapen M

NUP98-NSD1 Driven MDS/MPN in Childhood Masquerading as JMML.

Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology

Behnert A, Lee AG, Young EP, Breese MR, Leung SG, Behroozfard I, Maruffi M, Sweet-Cordero EA, Dvorak CC, Chu J, Stieglitz E

A Guidance for Concomitant Drug Reconciliation Prior to Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in Children and Young Adults.

Frontiers in pediatrics

Apsel Winger B, Long SE, Brooks J, Gupta AO, Dvorak CC, Long-Boyle JR

International retrospective study of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for activated PI3K-delta syndrome.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Dimitrova D, Nademi Z, Maccari ME, Ehl S, Uzel G, Tomoda T, Okano T, Imai K, Carpenter B, Ip W, Rao K, Worth AJJ, Laberko A, Mukhina A, Néven B, Moshous D, Speckmann C, Warnatz K, Wehr C, Abolhassani H, Aghamohammadi A, Bleesing JJ, Dara J, Dvorak CC, Ghosh S, Kang HJ, Markelj G, Modi A, Bayer DK, Notarangelo LD, Schulz A, Garcia-Prat M, Soler-Palacín P, Karakükcü M, Yilmaz E, Gambineri E, Menconi M, Masmas TN, Holm M, Bonfim C, Prando C, Hughes S, Jolles S, Morris EC, Kapoor N, Koltan S, Paneesha S, Steward C, Wynn R, Duffner U, Gennery AR, Lankester AC, Slatter M, Kanakry JA

A Randomized Trial of Caspofungin vs Triazoles Prophylaxis for Invasive Fungal Disease in Pediatric Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant.

Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society

Dvorak CC, Fisher BT, Esbenshade AJ, Nieder ML, Alexander S, Steinbach WJ, Dang H, Villaluna D, Chen L, Skeens M, Zaoutis TE, Sung L

Transplant-associated thrombotic microangiopathy in pediatric patients: pre-HSCT risk stratification and prophylaxis.

Blood advances

Higham CS, Collins G, Shimano KA, Melton A, Kharbanda S, Winestone LE, Huang JN, Dara J, Long-Boyle JR, Dvorak CC

The pulmonary metatranscriptome prior to pediatric HCT identifies post-HCT lung injury.


Zinter MS, Lindemans CA, Versluys BA, Mayday MY, Sunshine S, Reyes G, Sirota M, Sapru A, Matthay MA, Kharbanda S, Dvorak CC, Boelens JJ, DeRisi JL

Vitamin D has no impact on outcomes after HSCT in children-A retrospective study.

Pediatric transplantation

Bajwa RPS, Taylor K, Hoyt A, Kamboj MK, Stanek J, Mahadeo KM, Alsaedi H, Abdel-Azim H, O'Kane S, Martin PL, Stafford LA, Dvorak CC

A validated pediatric disease risk index for allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation.


Qayed M, Ahn KW, Kitko CL, Johnson MH, Shah NN, Dvorak C, Mellgren K, Friend BD, Verneris MR, Leung W, Toporski J, Levine J, Chewning J, Wayne A, Kapoor U, Triplett B, Schultz KR, Yanik GA, Eapen M

Correction to: Infections in Infants with SCID: Isolation, Infection Screening and Prophylaxis in PIDTC Centers.

Journal of clinical immunology

Dorsey M, Wright NAM, Chaimowitz NS, Dávila Saldaña BJ, Miller H, Keller MD, Thakar MS, Shah AJ, Abu-Arja R, Andolina J, Aquino V, Barnum JL, Bednarski JJ, Bhatia M, Bonilla FA, Butte MJ, Bunin NJ, Burroughs LM, Chandra S, Chaudhury S, Chen K, Chong H, Cuvelier G, Dalal J, DeFelice ML, DeSantes KB, Forbes LR, Gillio A, Goldman F, Joshi AY, Kapoor N, Knutsen AP, Kobrynski L, Lieberman JA, Leiding JW, Oshrine B, Patel KP, Prockop S, Quigg TC, Quinones R, Schultz KR, Seroogy C, Shyr D, Siegel S, Smith AR, Torgerson TR, Vander Lugt MT, Yu LC, Cowan MJ, Buckley RH, Dvorak CC, Griffith LM, Haddad E, Kohn DB, Logan B, Notarangelo LD, Pai SY, Puck J, Pulsipher MA, Heimall J

A pragmatic multi-institutional approach to understanding transplant-associated thrombotic microangiopathy after stem cell transplant.

Blood advances

Dandoy CE, Rotz S, Alonso PB, Klunk A, Desmond C, Huber J, Ingraham H, Higham C, Dvorak CC, Duncan C, Schoettler M, Lehmann L, Cancio M, Killinger J, Davila B, Phelan R, Mahadeo KM, Khazal S, Lalefar N, Vissa M, Myers K, Wallace G, Nelson A, Khandelwal P, Bhatla D, Gloude N, Anderson E, Huo J, Roehrs P, Auletta JJ, Chima R, Lane A, Davies SM, Jodele S

The Relationship Between Busulfan Exposure and Achievement of Sustained Donor Myeloid Chimerism in Patients with Non-Malignant Disorders.

Transplantation and cellular therapy

Apsel Winger B, Shukla P, Kharbanda S, Keizer RJ, Goswami S, Cowan MJ, Dvorak CC, Long-Boyle J

Unknown cytomegalovirus serostatus in primary immunodeficiency disorders: A new category of transplant recipients.

Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society

Forlanini F, Dara J, Dvorak CC, Cowan MJ, Puck JM, Dorsey MJ

Correction: Chronic Granulomatous Disease-Associated IBD Resolves and Does Not Adversely Impact Survival Following Allogeneic HCT.

Journal of clinical immunology

Marsh RA, Leiding JW, Logan BR, Griffith LM, Arnold DE, Haddad E, Falcone EL, Yin Z, Patel K, Arbuckle E, Bleesing JJ, Sullivan KE, Heimall J, Burroughs LM, Skoda-Smith S, Chandrakasan S, Yu LC, Oshrine BR, Cuvelier GDE, Thakar MS, Chen K, Teira P, Shenoy S, Phelan R, Forbes LR, Martinez C, Chellapandian D, Dávila Saldaña BJ, Shah AJ, Weinacht KG, Joshi A, Boulad F, Quigg TC, Dvorak CC, Grossman D, Torgerson T, Graham P, Prasad V, Knutsen A, Chong H, Miller H, de la Morena MT, DeSantes K, Cowan MJ, Notarangelo LD, Kohn DB, Stenger E, Pai SY, Routes JM, Puck JM, Kapoor N, Pulsipher MA, Malech HL, Parikh S, Kang EM, submitted on behalf of the Primary Immune Deficiency Treatment Consortium

Chlorhexidine gluconate bathing in children with cancer or those undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A double-blinded randomized controlled trial from the Children's Oncology Group.


Zerr DM, Milstone AM, Dvorak CC, Adler AL, Chen L, Villaluna D, Dang H, Qin X, Addetia A, Yu LC, Conway Keller M, Esbenshade AJ, August KJ, Fisher BT, Sung L

Infections in Infants with SCID: Isolation, Infection Screening, and Prophylaxis in PIDTC Centers.

Journal of clinical immunology

Dorsey MJ, Wright NAM, Chaimowitz NS, Dávila Saldaña BJ, Miller H, Keller MD, Thakar MS, Shah AJ, Abu-Arja R, Andolina J, Aquino V, Barnum JL, Bednarski JJ, Bhatia M, Bonilla FA, Butte MJ, Bunin NJ, Chandra S, Chaudhury S, Chen K, Chong H, Cuvelier GDE, Dalal J, DeFelice ML, DeSantes KB, Forbes LR, Gillio A, Goldman F, Joshi AY, Kapoor N, Knutsen AP, Kobrynski L, Lieberman JA, Leiding JW, Oshrine B, Patel KP, Prockop S, Quigg TC, Quinones R, Schultz KR, Seroogy C, Shyr D, Siegel S, Smith AR, Torgerson TR, Vander Lugt MT, Yu LC, Cowan MJ, Buckley RH, Dvorak CC, Griffith LM, Haddad E, Kohn DB, Logan B, Notarangelo LD, Pai SY, Puck J, Pulsipher MA, Heimall J

Reduced Toxicity Conditioning for Nonmalignant Hematopoietic Cell Transplants.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Contreras CF, Long-Boyle JR, Shimano KA, Melton A, Kharbanda S, Dara J, Higham C, Huang JN, Cowan MJ, Dvorak CC

Excellent outcomes following hematopoietic cell transplantation for Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome: a PIDTC report.


Burroughs LM, Petrovic A, Brazauskas R, Liu X, Griffith LM, Ochs HD, Bleesing JJ, Edwards S, Dvorak CC, Chaudhury S, Prockop SE, Quinones R, Goldman FD, Quigg TC, Chandrakasan S, Smith AR, Parikh S, Dávila Saldaña BJ, Thakar MS, Phelan R, Shenoy S, Forbes LR, Martinez C, Chellapandian D, Shereck E, Miller HK, Kapoor N, Barnum JL, Chong H, Shyr DC, Chen K, Abu-Arja R, Shah AJ, Weinacht KG, Moore TB, Joshi A, DeSantes KB, Gillio AP, Cuvelier GDE, Keller MD, Rozmus J, Torgerson T, Pulsipher MA, Haddad E, Sullivan KE, Logan BR, Kohn DB, Puck JM, Notarangelo LD, Pai SY, Rawlings DJ, Cowan MJ

Practice patterns and incidence of adenovirus infection in allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant recipients: Multicenter survey of transplant centers in the United States.

Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society

Papanicolaou GA, Dvorak CC, Dadwal S, Maron G, Prasad VK, Giller R, Abdel-Azim H, Sadanand A, Casciano R, Chandak A, Huang S, Nichols G, Brundage T, Vainorius E, Mozaffari E, Hutcheson R

Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in Patients With Primary Immune Regulatory Disorders (PIRD): A Primary Immune Deficiency Treatment Consortium (PIDTC) Survey.

Frontiers in immunology

Chan AY, Leiding JW, Liu X, Logan BR, Burroughs LM, Allenspach EJ, Skoda-Smith S, Uzel G, Notarangelo LD, Slatter M, Gennery AR, Smith AR, Pai SY, Jordan MB, Marsh RA, Cowan MJ, Dvorak CC, Craddock JA, Prockop SE, Chandrakasan S, Kapoor N, Buckley RH, Parikh S, Chellapandian D, Oshrine BR, Bednarski JJ, Cooper MA, Shenoy S, Davila Saldana BJ, Forbes LR, Martinez C, Haddad E, Shyr DC, Chen K, Sullivan KE, Heimall J, Wright N, Bhatia M, Cuvelier GDE, Goldman FD, Meyts I, Miller HK, Seidel MG, Vander Lugt MT, Bacchetta R, Weinacht KG, Andolina JR, Caywood E, Chong H, de la Morena MT, Aquino VM, Shereck E, Walter JE, Dorsey MJ, Seroogy CM, Griffith LM, Kohn DB, Puck JM, Pulsipher MA, Torgerson TR

Incidence, Risk Factors, and Outcomes of Patients Who Develop Mucosal Barrier Injury-Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections in the First 100 Days After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant.

JAMA network open

Dandoy CE, Kim S, Chen M, Ahn KW, Ardura MI, Brown V, Chhabra S, Diaz MA, Dvorak C, Farhadfar N, Flagg A, Ganguly S, Hale GA, Hashmi SK, Hematti P, Martino R, Nishihori T, Nusrat R, Olsson RF, Rotz SJ, Sung AD, Perales MA, Lindemans CA, Komanduri KV, Riches ML

The impact of total body irradiation-based regimens on outcomes in children and young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

Pediatric blood & cancer

Friend BD, Bailey-Olson M, Melton A, Shimano KA, Kharbanda S, Higham C, Winestone LE, Huang J, Stieglitz E, Dvorak CC

Effect of Caspofungin vs Fluconazole Prophylaxis on Invasive Fungal Disease Among Children and Young Adults With Acute Myeloid Leukemia: A Randomized Clinical Trial.


Fisher BT, Zaoutis T, Dvorak CC, Nieder M, Zerr D, Wingard JR, Callahan C, Villaluna D, Chen L, Dang H, Esbenshade AJ, Alexander S, Wiley JM, Sung L

Choice of conditioning regimens for bone marrow transplantation in severe aplastic anemia.

Blood advances

Bejanyan N, Kim S, Hebert KM, Kekre N, Abdel-Azim H, Ahmed I, Aljurf M, Badawy SM, Beitinjaneh A, Boelens JJ, Diaz MA, Dvorak CC, Gadalla S, Gajewski J, Gale RP, Ganguly S, Gennery AR, George B, Gergis U, Gómez-Almaguer D, Vicent MG, Hashem H, Kamble RT, Kasow KA, Lazarus HM, Mathews V, Orchard PJ, Pulsipher M, Ringden O, Schultz K, Teira P, Woolfrey AE, Saldaña BD, Savani B, Winiarski J, Yared J, Weisdorf DJ, Antin JH, Eapen M

Comprehensive Prognostication in Critically Ill Pediatric Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Patients: Results from Merging the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) and Virtual Pediatric Systems (VPS) Registries.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Zinter MS, Logan BR, Fretham C, Sapru A, Abraham A, Aljurf MD, Arnold SD, Artz A, Auletta JJ, Chhabra S, Copelan E, Duncan C, Gale RP, Guinan E, Hematti P, Keating AK, Marks DI, Olsson R, Savani BN, Ustun C, Williams KM, Pasquini MC, Dvorak CC

Fusion driven JMML: a novel CCDC88C-FLT3 fusion responsive to sorafenib identified by RNA sequencing.


Chao AK, Meyer JA, Lee AG, Hecht A, Tarver T, Van Ziffle J, Koegel AK, Golden C, Braun BS, Sweet-Cordero EA, Smith CC, Dvorak CC, Loh ML, Stieglitz E

Related and unrelated donor transplantation for β-thalassemia major: results of an international survey.

Blood advances

Li C, Mathews V, Kim S, George B, Hebert K, Jiang H, Li C, Zhu Y, Keesler DA, Boelens JJ, Dvorak CC, Agarwal R, Auletta JJ, Goyal RK, Hanna R, Kasow K, Shenoy S, Smith AR, Walters MC, Eapen M

Acupressure to Reduce Treatment-Related Symptoms for Children With Cancer and Recipients of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.

Global advances in health and medicine

Lown EA, Banerjee A, Vittinghoff E, Dvorak CC, Hartogensis W, Melton A, Mangurian C, Hu H, Shear D, Adcock R, Morgan M, Golden C, Hecht FM

Chronic Granulomatous Disease-Associated IBD Resolves and Does Not Adversely Impact Survival Following Allogeneic HCT.

Journal of clinical immunology

Marsh RA, Leiding JW, Logan BR, Griffith LM, Arnold DE, Haddad E, Falcone EL, Yin Z, Patel K, Arbuckle E, Bleesing JJ, Sullivan KE, Heimall J, Burroughs LM, Skoda-Smith S, Chandrakasan S, Yu LC, Oshrine BR, Cuvelier GDE, Thakar MS, Chen K, Teira P, Shenoy S, Phelan R, Forbes LR, Chellapandian D, Dávila Saldaña BJ, Shah AJ, Weinacht KG, Joshi A, Boulad F, Quigg TC, Dvorak CC, Grossman D, Torgerson T, Graham P, Prasad V, Knutsen A, Chong H, Miller H, de la Morena MT, DeSantes K, Cowan MJ, Notarangelo LD, Kohn DB, Stenger E, Pai SY, Routes JM, Puck JM, Kapoor N, Pulsipher MA, Malech HL, Parikh S, Kang EM, submitted on behalf of the Primary Immune Deficiency Treatment Consortium

Molecular assessment of pretransplant chemotherapy in the treatment of juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia.

Pediatric blood & cancer

Hecht A, Meyer J, Chehab FF, White KL, Magruder K, Dvorak CC, Loh ML, Stieglitz E

Risk Factors for Transplant-Associated Thrombotic Microangiopathy after Autologous Hematopoietic Cell Transplant in High-Risk Neuroblastoma.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Tolbert VP, Dvorak CC, Golden C, Vissa M, El-Haj N, Perwad F, Matthay KK, Vo KT

Pulmonary Metagenomic Sequencing Suggests Missed Infections in Immunocompromised Children.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Zinter MS, Dvorak CC, Mayday MY, Iwanaga K, Ly NP, McGarry ME, Church GD, Faricy LE, Rowan CM, Hume JR, Steiner ME, Crawford ED, Langelier C, Kalantar K, Chow ED, Miller S, Shimano K, Melton A, Yanik GA, Sapru A, DeRisi JL

Autoimmune Cytopenias in Pediatric Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Patients.

Frontiers in pediatrics

Neely JA, Dvorak CC, Pantell MS, Melton A, Huang JN, Shimano KA

Survival Trends in Infants Undergoing Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant.

JAMA pediatrics

Parikh SH, Satwani P, Ahn KW, Sahr NA, Fretham C, Abraham AA, Agrawal V, Auletta JJ, Abdel-Azim H, Copelan E, Diaz MA, Dvorak CC, Frangoul HA, Freytes CO, Gadalla SM, Gale RP, George B, Gergis U, Hashmi S, Hematti P, Hildebrandt GC, Keating AK, Lazarus HM, Myers KC, Olsson RF, Prestidge T, Rotz SJ, Savani BN, Shereck EB, Williams KM, Wirk B, Pasquini MC, Loren AW

Population Pharmacokinetics of Clofarabine as Part of Pretransplantation Conditioning in Pediatric Subjects before Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Wang H, Jones AK, Dvorak CC, Huang L, Orchard P, Ivaturi V, Long-Boyle J

In ALD, I feel the need for speed.


Kharbanda S, Dvorak CC

Low Exposure Busulfan Conditioning to Achieve Sufficient Multilineage Chimerism in Patients with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Dvorak CC, Long-Boyle J, Dara J, Melton A, Shimano KA, Huang JN, Puck JM, Dorsey MJ, Facchino J, Chang CK, Cowan MJ

Determination of melphalan in human plasma by UPLC-UV method.

Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology

Huang L, Cheah V, Chan D, Marzan F, Dvorak CC, Aweeka FT, Long-Boyle J

Newborn Screening for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency and T-cell Lymphopenia in California, 2010-2017.


Amatuni GS, Currier RJ, Church JA, Bishop T, Grimbacher E, Nguyen AA, Agarwal-Hashmi R, Aznar CP, Butte MJ, Cowan MJ, Dorsey MJ, Dvorak CC, Kapoor N, Kohn DB, Markert ML, Moore TB, Naides SJ, Sciortino S, Feuchtbaum L, Koupaei RA, Puck JM

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for CD40 ligand deficiency: Results from an EBMT/ESID-IEWP-SCETIDE-PIDTC study.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Ferrua F, Galimberti S, Courteille V, Slatter MA, Booth C, Moshous D, Neven B, Blanche S, Cavazzana M, Laberko A, Shcherbina A, Balashov D, Soncini E, Porta F, Al-Mousa H, Al-Saud B, Al-Dhekri H, Arnaout R, Formankova R, Bertrand Y, Lange A, Smart J, Wolska-Kusnierz B, Aquino VM, Dvorak CC, Fasth A, Fouyssac F, Heilmann C, Hoenig M, Schuetz C, Kelecic J, Bredius RGM, Lankester AC, Lindemans CA, Suarez F, Sullivan KE, Albert MH, Kalwak K, Barlogis V, Bhatia M, Bordon V, Czogala W, Alonso L, Dogu F, Gozdzik J, Ikinciogullari A, Kriván G, Ljungman P, Meyts I, Mustillo P, Smith AR, Speckmann C, Sundin M, Keogh SJ, Shaw PJ, Boelens JJ, Schulz AS, Sedlacek P, Veys P, Mahlaoui N, Janda A, Davies EG, Fischer A, Cowan MJ, Gennery AR, SCETIDE, PIDTC, EBMT & ESID IEWP

Early Plasma Matrix Metalloproteinase Profiles. A Novel Pathway in Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Zinter MS, Delucchi KL, Kong MY, Orwoll BE, Spicer AS, Lim MJ, Alkhouli MF, Ratiu AE, McKenzie AV, McQuillen PS, Dvorak CC, Calfee CS, Matthay MA, Sapru A

Higher Risks of Toxicity and Incomplete Recovery in 13- to 17-Year-Old Females after Marrow Donation: RDSafe Peds Results.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Pulsipher MA, Logan BR, Kiefer DM, Chitphakdithai P, Riches ML, Rizzo JD, Anderlini P, Leitman SF, Varni JW, Kobusingye H, Besser RM, Miller JP, Drexler RJ, Abdel-Mageed A, Ahmed IA, Ball ED, Bolwell BJ, Bunin NJ, Cheerva A, Delgado DC, Dvorak CC, Gillio AP, Hahn TE, Hale GA, Haight AE, Hayes-Lattin BM, Kasow KA, Linenberger M, Magalhaes-Silverman M, Mori S, Prasad VK, Quigg TC, Sahdev I, Schriber JR, Shenoy S, Tse WT, Yanik GA, Navarro WH, Horowitz MM, Confer DL, Shaw BE, Switzer GE

Bacterial blood stream infections (BSIs), particularly post-engraftment BSIs, are associated with increased mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation.

Bone marrow transplantation

Ustun C, Young JH, Papanicolaou GA, Kim S, Ahn KW, Chen M, Abdel-Azim H, Aljurf M, Beitinjaneh A, Brown V, Cerny J, Chhabra S, Kharfan-Dabaja MA, Dahi PB, Daly A, Dandoy CE, Dvorak CC, Freytes CO, Hashmi S, Lazarus H, Ljungman P, Nishihori T, Page K, Pingali SRK, Saad A, Savani BN, Weisdorf D, Williams K, Wirk B, Auletta JJ, Lindemans CA, Komanduri K, Riches M

Effect of Aging and Predonation Comorbidities on the Related Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Donor Experience: Report from the Related Donor Safety Study.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Pulsipher MA, Logan BR, Chitphakdithai P, Kiefer DM, Riches ML, Rizzo JD, Anderlini P, Leitman SF, Varni JW, Kobusingye H, Besser RM, Miller JP, Drexler RJ, Abdel-Mageed A, Ahmed IA, Akard LP, Artz AS, Ball ED, Bayer RL, Bigelow C, Bolwell BJ, Broun ER, Bunin NJ, Delgado DC, Duckworth K, Dvorak CC, Hahn TE, Haight AE, Hari PN, Hayes-Lattin BM, Jacobsohn DA, Jakubowski AA, Kasow KA, Lazarus HM, Liesveld JL, Linenberger M, Litzow MR, Longo W, Magalhaes-Silverman M, McCarty JM, McGuirk JP, Mori S, Prasad VK, Rowley SD, Rybka WB, Sahdev I, Schriber JR, Selby GB, Shaughnessy PJ, Shenoy S, Spitzer T, Tse WT, Uberti JP, Vusirikala M, Waller EK, Weisdorf DJ, Yanik GA, Navarro WH, Horowitz MM, Switzer GE, Shaw BE, Confer DL

Related peripheral blood stem cell donors experience more severe symptoms and less complete recovery at one year compared to unrelated donors.


Pulsipher MA, Logan BR, Kiefer DM, Chitphakdithai P, Riches ML, Rizzo JD, Anderlini P, Leitman OF, Kobusingye H, Besser RM, Miller JP, Drexler RJ, Abdel-Mageed A, Ahmed IA, Akard LP, Artz AS, Ball ED, Bayer RL, Bigelow C, Bolwell BJ, Broun ER, Delgado DC, Duckworth K, Dvorak CC, Hahn TE, Haight AE, Hari PN, Hayes-Lattin BM, Jacobsohn DA, Jakubowski AA, Kasow KA, Lazarus HM, Liesveld JL, Linenberger M, Litzow MR, Longo W, Magalhaes-Silverman M, McCarty JM, McGuirk JP, Mori S, Parameswaran V, Prasad VK, Rowley SD, Rybka WB, Sahdev I, Schriber JR, Selby GB, Shaughnessy PJ, Shenoy S, Spitzer T, Tse WT, Uberti JP, Vusirikala M, Waller EK, Weisdorf DJ, Yanik GA, Navarro WH, Horowitz MM, Switzer GE, Confer DL, Shaw BE

Daratumumab in life-threatening autoimmune hemolytic anemia following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

Blood advances

Schuetz C, Hoenig M, Moshous D, Weinstock C, Castelle M, Bendavid M, Shimano K, Tolbert V, Schulz AS, Dvorak CC

Identifying clinical practice guidelines for the supportive care of children with cancer: A report from the Children's Oncology Group.

Pediatric blood & cancer

Seelisch J, Sung L, Kelly MJ, Raybin JL, Beauchemin M, Dvorak CC, Kelly KP, Nieder ML, Noll RB, Thackray J, Ullrich NJ, Cabral S, Dupuis LL, Robinson PD

Outcomes after Second Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in Children and Young Adults with Relapsed Acute Leukemia.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Lund TC, Ahn KW, Tecca HR, Hilgers MV, Abdel-Azim H, Abraham A, Diaz MA, Badawy SM, Broglie L, Brown V, Dvorak CC, Gonzalez-Vicent M, Hashem H, Hayashi RJ, Jacobsohn DA, Kent MW, Li CK, Margossian SP, Martin PL, Mehta P, Myers K, Olsson R, Page K, Pulsipher MA, Shaw PJ, Smith AR, Triplett BM, Verneris MR, Eapen M

Comment on: Olanzapine for chemotherapy-induced nausea: Lessons learned from child and adolescent psychiatry.

Pediatric blood & cancer

Dupuis LL, Flank J, Schechter T, Dvorak CC, Sung L, Spettigue W

Effect of Levofloxacin Prophylaxis on Bacteremia in Children With Acute Leukemia or Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Randomized Clinical Trial.


Alexander S, Fisher BT, Gaur AH, Dvorak CC, Villa Luna D, Dang H, Chen L, Green M, Nieder ML, Fisher B, Bailey LC, Wiernikowski J, Sung L, Children’s Oncology Group

The genetic landscape of severe combined immunodeficiency in the United States and Canada in the current era (2010-2018).

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Dvorak CC, Haddad E, Buckley RH, Cowan MJ, Logan B, Griffith LM, Kohn DB, Pai SY, Notarangelo L, Shearer W, Prockop S, Kapoor N, Heimall J, Chaudhury S, Shyr D, Chandra S, Cuvelier G, Moore T, Shenoy S, Goldman F, Smith AR, Sunkersett G, Vander Lugt M, Caywood E, Quigg T, Torgerson T, Chandrakasan S, Craddock J, Dávila Saldaña BJ, Gillio A, Shereck E, Aquino V, DeSantes K, Knutsen A, Thakar M, Yu L, Puck JM

Veno-occlusive disease after high-dose busulfan-melphalan in neuroblastoma.

Bone marrow transplantation

Schechter T, Perez-Albuerne E, Lin TF, Irwin MS, Essa M, Desai AV, Frangoul H, Yanik G, Dupuis LL, Jacobsohn D, Kletzel M, Ranalli M, Soni S, Seif AE, Grupp S, Dvorak CC

Practice pattern changes and improvements in hematopoietic cell transplantation for primary immunodeficiencies.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Marsh RA, Hebert KM, Keesler D, Boelens JJ, Dvorak CC, Eckrich MJ, Kapoor N, Parikh S, Eapen M

SCID genotype and 6-month posttransplant CD4 count predict survival and immune recovery.


Haddad E, Logan BR, Griffith LM, Buckley RH, Parrott RE, Prockop SE, Small TN, Chaisson J, Dvorak CC, Murnane M, Kapoor N, Abdel-Azim H, Hanson IC, Martinez C, Bleesing JJH, Chandra S, Smith AR, Cavanaugh ME, Jyonouchi S, Sullivan KE, Burroughs L, Skoda-Smith S, Haight AE, Tumlin AG, Quigg TC, Taylor C, Dávila Saldaña BJ, Keller MD, Seroogy CM, Desantes KB, Petrovic A, Leiding JW, Shyr DC, Decaluwe H, Teira P, Gillio AP, Knutsen AP, Moore TB, Kletzel M, Craddock JA, Aquino V, Davis JH, Yu LC, Cuvelier GDE, Bednarski JJ, Goldman FD, Kang EM, Shereck E, Porteus MH, Connelly JA, Fleisher TA, Malech HL, Shearer WT, Szabolcs P, Thakar MS, Vander Lugt MT, Heimall J, Yin Z, Pulsipher MA, Pai SY, Kohn DB, Puck JM, Cowan MJ, O'Reilly RJ, Notarangelo LD

Chronic norovirus infection in primary immune deficiency disorders: an international case series.

Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease

Rolfes MC, Sriaroon P, Dávila Saldaña BJ, Dvorak CC, Chapdelaine H, Ferdman RM, Chen K, Jolles S, Patel NC, Kim YJ, Tarrant TK, Martelius T, Seppanen M, Joshi AY

Outcome of domino hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in human subjects: An international case series.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Belderbos ME, Gennery AR, Dvorak CC, Blok HJ, Eikema DJ, Silva JMF, Veys P, Neven B, Buckley R, Cole T, Cowan MJ, Goebel WS, Hoenig M, Kuo CY, Stiehm ER, Wynn R, Bierings M, Inborn Errors Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation and the Prima

Outcomes of Measurable Residual Disease in Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia before and after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant: Validation of Difference from Normal Flow Cytometry with Chimerism Studies and Wilms Tumor 1 Gene Expression.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Jacobsohn DA, Loken MR, Fei M, Adams A, Brodersen LE, Logan BR, Ahn KW, Shaw BE, Kletzel M, Olszewski M, Khan S, Meshinchi S, Keating A, Harris A, Teira P, Duerst RE, Margossian SP, Martin PL, Petrovic A, Dvorak CC, Nemecek ER, Boyer MW, Chen AR, Davis JH, Shenoy S, Savasan S, Hudspeth MP, Adams RH, Lewis VA, Kheradpour A, Kasow KA, Gillio AP, Haight AE, Bhatia M, Bambach BJ, Haines HL, Quigg TC, Greiner RJ, Talano JM, Delgado DC, Cheerva A, Gowda M, Ahuja S, Ozkaynak M, Mitchell D, Schultz KR, Fry TJ, Loeb DM, Pulsipher MA

Comparison of pediatric allogeneic transplant outcomes using myeloablative busulfan with cyclophosphamide or fludarabine.

Blood advances

Harris AC, Boelens JJ, Ahn KW, Fei M, Abraham A, Artz A, Dvorak C, Frangoul H, Freytes C, Gale RP, Hong S, Lazarus HM, Loren A, Mineishi S, Nishihori T, O'Brien T, Williams K, Pasquini MC, Levine JE

B-cell differentiation and IL-21 response in IL2RG/JAK3 SCID patients after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.


Miggelbrink AM, Logan BR, Buckley RH, Parrott RE, Dvorak CC, Kapoor N, Abdel-Azim H, Prockop SE, Shyr D, Decaluwe H, Hanson IC, Gillio A, Dávila Saldaña BJ, Eibel H, Hopkins G, Walter JE, Whangbo JS, Kohn DB, Puck JM, Cowan MJ, Griffith LM, Haddad E, O'Reilly RJ, Notarangelo LD, Pai SY

Late cardiovascular morbidity and mortality following pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation.

Bone marrow transplantation

Duncan CN, Brazauskas R, Huang J, Shaw BE, Majhail NS, Savani BN, Flowers MED, Battiwalla M, Beebe K, Dietz AC, Dvorak CC, Giller R, Jacobsohn DA, Kletzel M, Martin PL, Nemecek ER, Nuechterlein B, Talano JA, Pulsipher MA, Baker KS

Disease burden and conditioning regimens in ASCT1221, a randomized phase II trial in children with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: A Children's Oncology Group study.

Pediatric blood & cancer

Dvorak CC, Satwani P, Stieglitz E, Cairo MS, Dang H, Pei Q, Gao Y, Wall D, Mazor T, Olshen AB, Parker JS, Kahwash S, Hirsch B, Raimondi S, Patel N, Skeens M, Cooper T, Mehta PA, Grupp SA, Loh ML

Metagenomic Sequencing Detects Respiratory Pathogens in Hematopoietic Cellular Transplant Patients.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Langelier C, Zinter MS, Kalantar K, Yanik GA, Christenson S, O'Donovan B, White C, Wilson M, Sapru A, Dvorak CC, Miller S, Chiu CY, DeRisi JL

Long-term follow-up of IPEX syndrome patients after different therapeutic strategies: An international multicenter retrospective study.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Barzaghi F, Amaya Hernandez LC, Neven B, Ricci S, Kucuk ZY, Bleesing JJ, Nademi Z, Slatter MA, Ulloa ER, Shcherbina A, Roppelt A, Worth A, Silva J, Aiuti A, Murguia-Favela L, Speckmann C, Carneiro-Sampaio M, Fernandes JF, Baris S, Ozen A, Karakoc-Aydiner E, Kiykim A, Schulz A, Steinmann S, Notarangelo LD, Gambineri E, Lionetti P, Shearer WT, Forbes LR, Martinez C, Moshous D, Blanche S, Fisher A, Ruemmele FM, Tissandier C, Ouachee-Chardin M, Rieux-Laucat F, Cavazzana M, Qasim W, Lucarelli B, Albert MH, Kobayashi I, Alonso L, Diaz De Heredia C, Kanegane H, Lawitschka A, Seo JJ, Gonzalez-Vicent M, Diaz MA, Goyal RK, Sauer MG, Yesilipek A, Kim M, Yilmaz-Demirdag Y, Bhatia M, Khlevner J, Richmond Padilla EJ, Martino S, Montin D, Neth O, Molinos-Quintana A, Valverde-Fernandez J, Broides A, Pinsk V, Ballauf A, Haerynck F, Bordon V, Dhooge C, Garcia-Lloret ML, Bredius RG, Kalwak K, Haddad E, Seidel MG, Duckers G, Pai SY, Dvorak CC, Ehl S, Locatelli F, Goldman F, Gennery AR, Cowan MJ, Roncarolo MG, Bacchetta R, Primary Immune Deficiency Treatment Consortium (PIDTC) and the Inborn Errors Working Party (IEWP) of

Pediatric Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Patients Who Survive Critical Illness Frequently Have Significant but Recoverable Decline in Functional Status.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Zinter MS, Holubkov R, Steurer MA, Dvorak CC, Duncan CN, Sapru A, Tamburro RF, McQuillen PS, Pollack MM

Immune reconstitution and survival of 100 SCID patients post-hematopoietic cell transplant: a PIDTC natural history study.


Heimall J, Logan BR, Cowan MJ, Notarangelo LD, Griffith LM, Puck JM, Kohn DB, Pulsipher MA, Parikh S, Martinez C, Kapoor N, O'Reilly R, Boyer M, Pai SY, Goldman F, Burroughs L, Chandra S, Kletzel M, Thakar M, Connelly J, Cuvelier G, Davila Saldana BJ, Shereck E, Knutsen A, Sullivan KE, DeSantes K, Gillio A, Haddad E, Petrovic A, Quigg T, Smith AR, Stenger E, Yin Z, Shearer WT, Fleisher T, Buckley RH, Dvorak CC

Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease in a pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant patient: a cautionary tale.

Leukemia & lymphoma

Zinter MS, Melton A, Sabnis AJ, Dvorak CC, Elicker BM, Nawaytou HM, Kameny RJ, Fineman JR

Neurologic event-free survival demonstrates a benefit for SCID patients diagnosed by newborn screening.

Blood advances

Dvorak CC, Puck JM, Wahlstrom JT, Dorsey M, Melton A, Cowan MJ

Consensus Report by the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators and Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation Consortium Joint Working Committees on Supportive Care Guidelines for Management of Veno-Occlusive Disease in Children and Adolesce

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Ovchinsky N, Frazier W, Auletta JJ, Dvorak CC, Ardura M, Song E, McArthur J, Jeyapalan A, Tamburro R, Mahadeo KM, Traube C, Duncan CN, Bajwa RPS

Consensus Report by the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators and Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Consortium Joint Working Committees on Supportive Care Guidelines for Management of Veno-Occlusive Disease in Children and Adolescents:

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Mahadeo KM, McArthur J, Adams RH, Radhi M, Angelo J, Jeyapalan A, Nicol K, Su L, Rabi H, Auletta JJ, Pai V, Duncan CN, Tamburro R, Dvorak CC, Bajwa RPS

Reducing Second Gram-Negative Antibiotic Therapy on Pediatric Oncology and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Services.

Infection control and hospital epidemiology

Wattier RL, Levy ER, Sabnis AJ, Dvorak CC, Auerbach AD

Opening Marrow Niches in Patients Undergoing Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gene Therapy.

Hematology/oncology clinics of North America

Cowan MJ, Dvorak CC, Long-Boyle J

Consensus Report by Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators and Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation Consortium Joint Working Committees: Supportive Care Guidelines for Management of Veno-Occlusive Disease in Children and Adolescents, P

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Bajwa RPS, Mahadeo KM, Taragin BH, Dvorak CC, McArthur J, Jeyapalan A, Duncan CN, Tamburro R, Gehred A, Lehmann L, Richardson P, Auletta JJ, Woolfrey AE

Pharmacokinetics and Model-Based Dosing to Optimize Fludarabine Therapy in Pediatric Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Ivaturi V, Dvorak CC, Chan D, Liu T, Cowan MJ, Wahlstrom J, Stricherz M, Jennissen C, Orchard PJ, Tolar J, Pai SY, Huang L, Aweeka F, Long-Boyle J

Extracorporeal life support survival in a pediatric hematopoietic cellular transplant recipient with presumed GvHD-related fulminant myocarditis.

Bone marrow transplantation

Zinter MS, Barrows BD, Ursell PC, Kowalek K, Kalantar K, Cambronero N, DeRisi JL, Oishi P, Dvorak CC

Multisite external validation of a risk prediction model for the diagnosis of blood stream infections in febrile pediatric oncology patients without severe neutropenia.


Esbenshade AJ, Zhao Z, Aftandilian C, Saab R, Wattier RL, Beauchemin M, Miller TP, Wilkes JJ, Kelly MJ, Fernbach A, Jeng M, Schwartz CL, Dvorak CC, Shyr Y, Moons KGM, Sulis ML, Friedman DL

Unconditioned unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation for IL7Rα- and Artemis-deficient SCID.

Bone marrow transplantation

Dvorak CC, Patel K, Puck JM, Wahlstrom J, Dorsey MJ, Adams R, Facchino J, Cowan MJ

Eosinophilic Pustular Folliculitis in Children after Stem Cell Transplantation: An Eruption Distinct from Graft-Versus-Host Disease.

Pediatric dermatology

Theiler M, Oza VS, Mathes EF, Dvorak CC, McCalmont TH, Yeh I, Sidbury R, Cordoro KM

Treatment of infants identified as having severe combined immunodeficiency by means of newborn screening.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Dorsey MJ, Dvorak CC, Cowan MJ, Puck JM

Early mixed chimerism-based preemptive immunotherapy in children undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for acute leukemia.

Pediatric blood & cancer

Horn B, Wahlstrom JT, Melton A, Liou A, Ouachee-Chardin M, Sunkersett G, Willert J, Hwang J, Expose-Spencer J, Cowan MC, Facchino J, Dvorak CC

A Multicenter Study of Bacterial Blood Stream Infections in Pediatric Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Recipients: The Role of Acute Gastrointestinal Graft-versus-Host Disease.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Satwani P, Freedman JL, Chaudhury S, Jin Z, Levinson A, Foca MD, Krajewski J, Sahdev I, Talekar MK, Gardenswartz A, Silverman J, Hayes M, Dvorak CC

Pre-existing invasive fungal infection is not a contraindication for allogeneic HSCT for patients with hematologic malignancies: a CIBMTR study.

Bone marrow transplantation

Maziarz RT, Brazauskas R, Chen M, McLeod AA, Martino R, Wingard JR, Aljurf M, Battiwalla M, Dvorak CC, Geroge B, Guinan EC, Hale GA, Lazarus HM, Lee JW, Liesveld JL, Ramanathan M, Reddy V, Savani BN, Smith FO, Strasfeld L, Taplitz RA, Ustun C, Boeckh MJ, Gea-Banacloche J, Lindemans CA, Auletta JJ, Riches ML

Hematopoietic stem cell transplant in patients with activated PI3K delta syndrome.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Nademi Z, Slatter MA, Dvorak CC, Neven B, Fischer A, Suarez F, Booth C, Rao K, Laberko A, Rodina J, Bertrand Y, Koltan S, Debski R, Flood T, Abinun M, Gennery AR, Hambleton S, Ehl S, Cant AJ

Association of busulfan exposure with survival and toxicity after haemopoietic cell transplantation in children and young adults: a multicentre, retrospective cohort analysis.

The Lancet. Haematology

Bartelink IH, Lalmohamed A, van Reij EM, Dvorak CC, Savic RM, Zwaveling J, Bredius RG, Egberts AC, Bierings M, Kletzel M, Shaw PJ, Nath CE, Hempel G, Ansari M, Krajinovic M, Théorêt Y, Duval M, Keizer RJ, Bittencourt H, Hassan M, Güngör T, Wynn RF, Veys P, Cuvelier GD, Marktel S, Chiesa R, Cowan MJ, Slatter MA, Stricherz MK, Jennissen C, Long-Boyle JR, Boelens JJ

Long-term outcomes of 176 patients with X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome treated with or without hematopoietic cell transplantation.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

de la Morena MT, Leonard D, Torgerson TR, Cabral-Marques O, Slatter M, Aghamohammadi A, Chandra S, Murguia-Favela L, Bonilla FA, Kanariou M, Damrongwatanasuk R, Kuo CY, Dvorak CC, Meyts I, Chen K, Kobrynski L, Kapoor N, Richter D, DiGiovanni D, Dhalla F, Farmaki E, Speckmann C, Español T, Shcherbina A, Hanson IC, Litzman J, Routes JM, Wong M, Fuleihan R, Seneviratne SL, Small TN, Janda A, Bezrodnik L, Seger R, Raccio AG, Edgar JD, Chou J, Abbott JK, van Montfrans J, González-Granado LI, Bunin N, Kutukculer N, Gray P, Seminario G, Pasic S, Aquino V, Wysocki C, Abolhassani H, Dorsey M, Cunningham-Rundles C, Knutsen AP, Sleasman J, Costa Carvalho BT, Condino-Neto A, Grunebaum E, Chapel H, Ochs HD, Filipovich A, Cowan M, Gennery A, Cant A, Notarangelo LD, Roifman CM

Evaluation of Pre-Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT) Brain MRI and Neurologic Complications of Pediatric Patients Undergoing HCT for Hematologic Malignancies.

Journal of pediatric oncology nursing : official journal of the Association of Pediatric Oncology Nurses

Bailey-Olson M, Cowan M, Dvorak C, Mueller S, Owens A, Wahlstrom J, Horn B

Severe, persistent, and fatal T-cell immunodeficiency following therapy for infantile leukemia.

Pediatric blood & cancer

Geerlinks AV, Issekutz T, Wahlstrom JT, Sullivan KE, Cowan MJ, Dvorak CC, Fernandez CV

Transplacental maternal engraftment and posttransplantation graft-versus-host disease in children with severe combined immunodeficiency.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Wahlstrom J, Patel K, Eckhert E, Kong D, Horn B, Cowan MJ, Dvorak CC

Safe and Effective Prophylaxis with Bimonthly Intravenous Pentamidine in the Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Population.

The Pediatric infectious disease journal

Levy ER, Musick L, Zinter MS, Lang T, Cowan MJ, Weintrub PS, Dvorak CC

The incidence, mortality and timing of Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia after hematopoietic cell transplantation: a CIBMTR analysis.

Bone marrow transplantation

Williams KM, Ahn KW, Chen M, Aljurf MD, Agwu AL, Chen AR, Walsh TJ, Szabolcs P, Boeckh MJ, Auletta JJ, Lindemans CA, Zanis-Neto J, Malvezzi M, Lister J, de Toledo Codina JS, Sackey K, Chakrabarty JL, Ljungman P, Wingard JR, Seftel MD, Seo S, Hale GA, Wirk B, Smith MS, Savani BN, Lazarus HM, Marks DI, Ustun C, Abdel-Azim H, Dvorak CC, Szer J, Storek J, Yong A, Riches MR

Plasma angiopoietin-2 outperforms other markers of endothelial injury in prognosticating pediatric ARDS mortality.

American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology

Zinter MS, Spicer A, Orwoll BO, Alkhouli M, Dvorak CC, Calfee CS, Matthay MA, Sapru A

Classification of treatment-related mortality in children with cancer: a systematic assessment.

The Lancet. Oncology

Alexander S, Pole JD, Gibson P, Lee M, Hesser T, Chi SN, Dvorak CC, Fisher B, Hasle H, Kanerva J, Möricke A, Phillips B, Raetz E, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Samarasinghe S, Schmiegelow K, Tissing W, Lehrnbecher T, Sung L, International Pediatric Oncology Mortality Classification Group

New Insights Into Multicenter PICU Mortality Among Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patients.

Critical care medicine

Zinter MS, Dvorak CC, Spicer A, Cowan MJ, Sapru A

Transplant Outcomes for Children with T Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Second Remission: A Report from the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Burke MJ, Verneris MR, Le Rademacher J, He W, Abdel-Azim H, Abraham AA, Auletta JJ, Ayas M, Brown VI, Cairo MS, Chan KW, Diaz Perez MA, Dvorak CC, Egeler RM, Eldjerou L, Frangoul H, Guilcher GMT, Hayashi RJ, Ibrahim A, Kasow KA, Leung WH, Olsson RF, Pulsipher MA, Shah N, Shah NN, Thiel E, Talano JA, Kitko CL

The syndrome of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in primary immunodeficiencies: implications for differential diagnosis and pathogenesis.


Bode SF, Ammann S, Al-Herz W, Bataneant M, Dvorak CC, Gehring S, Gennery A, Gilmour KC, Gonzalez-Granado LI, Groß-Wieltsch U, Ifversen M, Lingman-Framme J, Matthes-Martin S, Mesters R, Meyts I, van Montfrans JM, Pachlopnik Schmid J, Pai SY, Soler-Palacin P, Schuermann U, Schuster V, Seidel MG, Speckmann C, Stepensky P, Sykora KW, Tesi B, Vraetz T, Waruiru C, Bryceson YT, Moshous D, Lehmberg K, Jordan MB, Ehl S, Inborn Errors Working Party of the EBMT

Transplantation Outcomes for Children with Hypodiploid Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Mehta PA, Zhang MJ, Eapen M, He W, Seber A, Gibson B, Camitta BM, Kitko CL, Dvorak CC, Nemecek ER, Frangoul HA, Abdel-Azim H, Kasow KA, Lehmann L, Gonzalez Vicent M, Diaz Pérez MA, Ayas M, Qayed M, Carpenter PA, Jodele S, Lund TC, Leung WH, Davies SM

The Sequence of Cyclophosphamide and Myeloablative Total Body Irradiation in Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Patients with Acute Leukemia.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Holter-Chakrabarty JL, Pierson N, Zhang MJ, Zhu X, Akpek G, Aljurf MD, Artz AS, Baron F, Bredeson CN, Dvorak CC, Epstein RB, Lazarus HM, Olsson RF, Selby GB, Williams KM, Cooke KR, Pasquini MC, McCarthy PL

Primary graft failure after myeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for hematologic malignancies.


Olsson RF, Logan BR, Chaudhury S, Zhu X, Akpek G, Bolwell BJ, Bredeson CN, Dvorak CC, Gupta V, Ho VT, Lazarus HM, Marks DI, Ringdén OT, Pasquini MC, Schriber JR, Cooke KR

Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency.

Current pediatrics reports

Wahlstrom JT, Dvorak CC, Cowan MJ

Repeat blood cultures in children with persistent fever and neutropenia: Diagnostic and clinical implications.

Pediatric blood & cancer

Wattier RL, Dvorak CC, Auerbach AD, Weintrub PS

Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia.

Pediatric clinics of North America

Satwani P, Kahn J, Dvorak CC

Chimerism-based pre-emptive immunotherapy with fast withdrawal of immunosuppression and donor lymphocyte infusions after allogeneic stem cell transplantation for pediatric hematologic malignancies.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Horn B, Petrovic A, Wahlstrom J, Dvorak CC, Kong D, Hwang J, Expose-Spencer J, Gates M, Cowan MJ

Criteria for evaluating response and outcome in clinical trials for children with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia.


Niemeyer CM, Loh ML, Cseh A, Cooper T, Dvorak CC, Chan R, Xicoy B, Germing U, Kojima S, Manabe A, Dworzak M, De Moerloose B, Starý J, Smith OP, Masetti R, Catala A, Bergstraesser E, Ussowicz M, Fabri O, Baruchel A, Cavé H, Zwaan M, Locatelli F, Hasle H, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, Flotho C, Yoshimi A

The safety of olanzapine in young children: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Drug safety

Flank J, Sung L, Dvorak CC, Spettigue W, Dupuis LL

TNF-receptor inhibitor therapy for the treatment of children with idiopathic pneumonia syndrome. A joint Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Consortium and Children's Oncology Group Study (ASCT0521).

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Yanik GA, Grupp SA, Pulsipher MA, Levine JE, Schultz KR, Wall DA, Langholz B, Dvorak CC, Alangaden K, Goyal RK, White ES, Collura JM, Skeens MA, Eid S, Pierce EM, Cooke KR

Comparison of outcomes of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation without chemotherapy conditioning by using matched sibling and unrelated donors for treatment of severe combined immunodeficiency.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Dvorak CC, Hassan A, Slatter MA, Hönig M, Lankester AC, Buckley RH, Pulsipher MA, Davis JH, Güngör T, Gabriel M, Bleesing JH, Bunin N, Sedlacek P, Connelly JA, Crawford DF, Notarangelo LD, Pai SY, Hassid J, Veys P, Gennery AR, Cowan MJ

Transplantation outcomes for severe combined immunodeficiency, 2000-2009.

The New England journal of medicine

Pai SY, Logan BR, Griffith LM, Buckley RH, Parrott RE, Dvorak CC, Kapoor N, Hanson IC, Filipovich AH, Jyonouchi S, Sullivan KE, Small TN, Burroughs L, Skoda-Smith S, Haight AE, Grizzle A, Pulsipher MA, Chan KW, Fuleihan RL, Haddad E, Loechelt B, Aquino VM, Gillio A, Davis J, Knutsen A, Smith AR, Moore TB, Schroeder ML, Goldman FD, Connelly JA, Porteus MH, Xiang Q, Shearer WT, Fleisher TA, Kohn DB, Puck JM, Notarangelo LD, Cowan MJ, O'Reilly RJ

A Prospective, International Cohort Study of Invasive Mold Infections in Children.

Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society

Wattier RL, Dvorak CC, Hoffman JA, Brozovich AA, Bin-Hussain I, Groll AH, Castagnola E, Knapp KM, Zaoutis TE, Gustafsson B, Sung L, Berman D, Halasa NB, Abzug MJ, Velegraki A, Sharma TS, Fisher BT, Steinbach WJ

Outcomes after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for children with I-cell disease.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Lund TC, Cathey SS, Miller WP, Eapen M, Andreansky M, Dvorak CC, Davis JH, Dalal JD, Devine SM, Eames GM, Ferguson WS, Giller RH, He W, Kurtzberg J, Krance R, Katsanis E, Lewis VA, Sahdev I, Orchard PJ

Treatment of hepatoblastoma with high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell rescue: the pediatric blood and marrow transplant consortium experience and review of the literature.

Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology

Karski EE, Dvorak CC, Leung W, Miller W, Shaw PJ, Qayed M, Katsanis E, Feusner JH

Simultaneous determination of fludarabine and clofarabine in human plasma by LC-MS/MS.

Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences

Huang L, Lizak P, Dvorak CC, Aweeka F, Long-Boyle J

Effect of body mass in children with hematologic malignancies undergoing allogeneic bone marrow transplantation.


Aplenc R, Zhang MJ, Sung L, Zhu X, Ho VT, Cooke K, Dvorak C, Hale G, Isola LM, Lazarus HM, McCarthy PL, Olsson R, Pulsipher M, Pasquini MC, Bunin N, Regimen-Related Toxicity Working Committee, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Res

Establishing diagnostic criteria for severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID), leaky SCID, and Omenn syndrome: the Primary Immune Deficiency Treatment Consortium experience.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Shearer WT, Dunn E, Notarangelo LD, Dvorak CC, Puck JM, Logan BR, Griffith LM, Kohn DB, O'Reilly RJ, Fleisher TA, Pai SY, Martinez CA, Buckley RH, Cowan MJ

SCID patients with ARTEMIS vs RAG deficiencies following HCT: increased risk of late toxicity in ARTEMIS-deficient SCID.


Schuetz C, Neven B, Dvorak CC, Leroy S, Ege MJ, Pannicke U, Schwarz K, Schulz AS, Hoenig M, Sparber-Sauer M, Gatz SA, Denzer C, Blanche S, Moshous D, Picard C, Horn BN, de Villartay JP, Cavazzana M, Debatin KM, Friedrich W, Fischer A, Cowan MJ

Primary Immune Deficiency Treatment Consortium (PIDTC) report.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Griffith LM, Cowan MJ, Notarangelo LD, Kohn DB, Puck JM, Pai SY, Ballard B, Bauer SC, Bleesing JJ, Boyle M, Brower A, Buckley RH, van der Burg M, Burroughs LM, Candotti F, Cant AJ, Chatila T, Cunningham-Rundles C, Dinauer MC, Dvorak CC, Filipovich AH, Fleisher TA, Bobby Gaspar H, Gungor T, Haddad E, Hovermale E, Huang F, Hurley A, Hurley M, Iyengar S, Kang EM, Logan BR, Long-Boyle JR, Malech HL, McGhee SA, Modell F, Modell V, Ochs HD, O'Reilly RJ, Parkman R, Rawlings DJ, Routes JM, Shearer WT, Small TN, Smith H, Sullivan KE, Szabolcs P, Thrasher A, Torgerson TR, Veys P, Weinberg K, Zuniga-Pflucker JC, workshop participants

Effect of weight and maturation on busulfan clearance in infants and small children undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Savic RM, Cowan MJ, Dvorak CC, Pai SY, Pereira L, Bartelink IH, Boelens JJ, Bredius RG, Wynn RF, Cuvelier GD, Shaw PJ, Slatter MA, Long-Boyle J

The natural history of children with severe combined immunodeficiency: baseline features of the first fifty patients of the primary immune deficiency treatment consortium prospective study 6901.

Journal of clinical immunology

Dvorak CC, Cowan MJ, Logan BR, Notarangelo LD, Griffith LM, Puck JM, Kohn DB, Shearer WT, O'Reilly RJ, Fleisher TA, Pai SY, Hanson IC, Pulsipher MA, Fuleihan R, Filipovich A, Goldman F, Kapoor N, Small T, Smith A, Chan KW, Cuvelier G, Heimall J, Knutsen A, Loechelt B, Moore T, Buckley RH

Children's Oncology Group's 2013 blueprint for research: stem cell transplantation.

Pediatric blood & cancer

Grupp SA, Dvorak CC, Nieder ML, Levine JE, Wall DA, Langholz B, Pulsipher MA, COG Stem Cell Transplant Scientific Committee

Results from a prospective, international, epidemiologic study of invasive candidiasis in children and neonates.

The Pediatric infectious disease journal

Steinbach WJ, Roilides E, Berman D, Hoffman JA, Groll AH, Bin-Hussain I, Palazzi DL, Castagnola E, Halasa N, Velegraki A, Dvorak CC, Charkabarti A, Sung L, Danziger-Isakov L, Lachenauer C, Arrieta A, Knapp K, Abzug MJ, Ziebold C, Lehrnbecher T, Klingspor L, Warris A, Leckerman K, Martling T, Walsh TJ, Benjamin DK, Zaoutis TE, International Pediatric Fungal Network

Clinical outcome in IL-10- and IL-10 receptor-deficient patients with or without hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Engelhardt KR, Shah N, Faizura-Yeop I, Kocacik Uygun DF, Frede N, Muise AM, Shteyer E, Filiz S, Chee R, Elawad M, Hartmann B, Arkwright PD, Dvorak C, Klein C, Puck JM, Grimbacher B, Glocker EO

Busulfan, fludarabine, and alemtuzumab as a reduced toxicity regimen for children with malignant and nonmalignant diseases improves engraftment and graft-versus-host disease without delaying immune reconstitution.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Law J, Cowan MJ, Dvorak CC, Musick L, Long-Boyle JR, Baxter-Lowe LA, Horn B

Impact of immune modulation with in vivo T-cell depletion and myleoablative total body irradiation conditioning on outcomes after unrelated donor transplantation for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.


Veys P, Wynn RF, Ahn KW, Samarasinghe S, He W, Bonney D, Craddock J, Cornish J, Davies SM, Dvorak CC, Duerst RE, Gross TG, Kapoor N, Kitko C, Krance RA, Leung W, Lewis VA, Steward C, Wagner JE, Carpenter PA, Eapen M

Massage for children undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation: a qualitative report.

Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM

Ackerman SL, Lown EA, Dvorak CC, Dunn EA, Abrams DI, Horn BN, Degelman M, Cowan MJ, Mehling WE

Hematopoietic cell transplant and use of massage for improved symptom management: results from a pilot randomized control trial.

Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM

Mehling WE, Lown EA, Dvorak CC, Cowan MJ, Horn BN, Dunn EA, Acree M, Abrams DI, Hecht FM

National Cancer Institute, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute/Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation Consortium First International Consensus Conference on late effects after pediatric hematopoietic cell transplantation: the need for pediatric-s

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Pulsipher MA, Skinner R, McDonald GB, Hingorani S, Armenian SH, Cooke KR, Gracia C, Petryk A, Bhatia S, Bunin N, Nieder ML, Dvorak CC, Sung L, Sanders JE, Kurtzberg J, Baker KS

Complications of transplant for nonmalignant disorders: autoimmune cytopenias, opportunistic infections, and PTLD.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Dvorak CC, Bollard CM, El-Bietar J, Filipovich A

Antifungal prophylaxis in pediatric hematology/oncology: new choices & new data.

Pediatric blood & cancer

Dvorak CC, Fisher BT, Sung L, Steinbach WJ, Nieder M, Alexander S, Zaoutis TE

Prevention of bacterial infection in pediatric oncology: what do we know, what can we learn?

Pediatric blood & cancer

Alexander S, Nieder M, Zerr DM, Fisher BT, Dvorak CC, Sung L

NCI, NHLBI/PBMTC first international conference on late effects after pediatric hematopoietic cell transplantation: endocrine challenges-thyroid dysfunction, growth impairment, bone health, & reproductive risks.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Dvorak CC, Gracia CR, Sanders JE, Cheng EY, Baker KS, Pulsipher MA, Petryk A

NCI, NHLBI first international consensus conference on late effects after pediatric hematopoietic cell transplantation: state of the science, future directions.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Baker KS, Bhatia S, Bunin N, Nieder M, Dvorak CC, Sung L, Sanders JE, Kurtzberg J, Pulsipher MA

Outcome of myeloablative conditioning and unrelated donor hematopoietic cell transplantation for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in third remission.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Nemecek ER, Ellis K, He W, Bunin NJ, Bajwa RS, Cheerva A, Cairo MS, Dvorak C, Duval M, Davies S, Eapen M, Gross TG, Hussein AA, MacMillan ML, Mehta PA, Pulsipher MA, Seber A, Woolfrey AE, Frangoul HA, Carpenter PA

Severe neonatal congenital erythropoietic porphyria.

Pediatric dermatology

Hogeling M, Nakano T, Dvorak CC, Maguiness S, Frieden IJ

Safety of the live, attenuated varicella vaccine in pediatric recipients of hematopoietic SCTs.

Bone marrow transplantation

Kussmaul SC, Horn BN, Dvorak CC, Abramovitz L, Cowan MJ, Weintrub PS

Radiosensitive severe combined immunodeficiency disease.

Immunology and allergy clinics of North America

Dvorak CC, Cowan MJ

Development of herpes simplex virus stomatitis during receipt of cidofovir therapy.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Dvorak CC, Cowan MJ, Horn B, Weintrub PS

Clinical and immunologic outcomes following haplocompatible donor lymphocyte infusions.

Bone marrow transplantation

Dvorak CC, Gilman AL, Horn B, Jaroscak J, Dunn EA, Baxter-Lowe LA, Cowan MJ

Safety of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children less than three years of age.

Pediatric hematology and oncology

Dvorak CC, Wright NB, Wong WB, Kristovich KM, Matthews EW, Weinberg KI, Amylon MD, Agarwal R

High-dose chemotherapy followed by stem cell rescue for high-risk germ cell tumors: the Stanford experience.

Bone marrow transplantation

Agarwal R, Dvorak CC, Stockerl-Goldstein KE, Johnston L, Srinivas S

Megadose CD34(+) cell grafts improve recovery of T cell engraftment but not B cell immunity in patients with severe combined immunodeficiency disease undergoing haplocompatible nonmyeloablative transplantation.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Dvorak CC, Hung GY, Horn B, Dunn E, Oon CY, Cowan MJ

Hematopoietic stem cell transplant for pediatric acute promyelocytic leukemia.

Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Dvorak CC, Agarwal R, Dahl GV, Gregory JJ, Feusner JH

Maternal T-cell engraftment associated with severe hemophagocytosis of the bone marrow in untreated X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency.

Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology

Dvorak CC, Sandford A, Fong A, Cowan MJ, George TI, Lewis DB

Pediatric invasive aspergillosis: a multicenter retrospective analysis of 139 contemporary cases.


Burgos A, Zaoutis TE, Dvorak CC, Hoffman JA, Knapp KM, Nania JJ, Prasad P, Steinbach WJ

Liposomal amphotericin B associated with severe hyperphosphatemia.

The Pediatric infectious disease journal

Sutherland SM, Hong DK, Balagtas J, Gutierrez K, Dvorak CC, Sarwal M

Reinduction of relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia with ATRA and low dose antimetabolite-based chemotherapy.

Pediatric blood & cancer

Dvorak CC, Sanders RP, Dahl GV, Donaldson SS, Razzouk BI

Hospital resource utilization among patients with sickle cell disease.

Journal of health care for the poor and underserved

Mayer ML, Konrad TR, Dvorak CC